The French tend to start on the right cheek, alternating cheeks up to four times although standard practice allows for two, one on each cheek.
There are no rules regarding to how many kisses are involved or indeed from which cheek one must commence.
Switzerland & Netherlands
It's three times lucky here
Kissing according to age and regard for those with more years are deserving of more kisses.
Austria, Spain & Scandinavia
Kiss twice, once on each cheek.
Germans reserve their kisses for family and close friends only.
A kiss bestowed by the Tsar was the ultimate sign of recognition.
It's completely normal for men to kiss one another.
Middle East
Elaborate greeting kisses in public is a long tradition but only between men. These kisses carry no homosexual connotations. Of the more liberal Arab countries i.e. Lebanon, Egypt, cheek kissing between men and women is, in some circles, accepted.
South East Asia
In countries with predominantly Buddhist or Hindu cultures kissing is extremely unpopular. In Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Pakistan kissing in public is not acceptable. The Nepalese don't kiss at all. In the Philippines the people kiss cheek to cheek and not lips to cheek.
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