Leaving Petra this morning we drove south, crossing more of the rolling desert landscapes towards the haunting vistas of Wadi Rum. We managed to stop at a cafe and take in the views across Petra. I could even see the white stone at the top of one peak where Moses' brother is buried.
During the drive I saw the remains of the Hejaz Railway, famously attacked by TE Lawrence and his Arab army during the turbulent days of WWI. This marked the world inhabited by the nomadic Bedouin for generations and steeped in the legend of Lawrence of Arabia, whose exploits have become the stuff of legend. Indeed scenes from the remarkable film of his life were shot on location, deep in the fabulous purple-black mountains that rise from the sand of the desert.
Once at the Wadi Rum I opted in for a 4x4 drive through the dramatic Siq al Barrah. The panoramas of what must surely be some of Jordan’s most dramatic wilderness are fabulously dramatic. Words struggle to adequately convey the beauty of this wondrous place.
The drive continues onto Jordan's Red Sea town of Aqaba. Once a dusty, small town with an industrial port, Aqaba is quickly turning into a 21st century upscale travel destination. There was a very nice ice cream salon by my hotel (Holiday Inn). Apparently it had a roof pool but I chose to walk along the beach to Here you will have further options of relaxing by your roof top pool, soaking up the sunshine and taking a break to recap on your weeks adventure or enjoy a snorkelling trip.
Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ), is a liberalized, low tax and duty free, multi-sector development zone which was established in 2001. The initiative is aimed at turning Aqaba into a world-class business hub and tourism destination. I did walk around the gold souk which consisted of half a dozen shops. The prices seemed inflated for the tourists so I didn't buy gold. I did buy some dead sea mud and am still working my way through it still. Shops closed at 9pm. The I headed to a local seafood restaurant which was the best meal I had in Jordan. Fresh lemon and mint drink was really refreshing.